Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 6 on Juice Fast! My Progress so far

[Forwarded from my personal blog:]

I haven't blogged in a while. And I've been wanting to blog about my first juice fast experience :3. It's been 6 days so far. I was inspired by a documentary called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", which documented a man going through a 60 day juice fast. He had AMAZING results! And all the people that followed him too :3. I went out and bought a juicer the next day (Philips Hr1861, the Juice Master uses it a lot).

At first I intended to do it to detox. Cuz God knows I need to lol. Also to improve my PCOS and other ailments. But when I saw the weight drop off those people, I was supercharged with inspiration to do it to lose weight too!

I'm only doing this for 10 days only though, then I plan to slowly incorporate solids in my diet such as raw veggies and fruits, smoothes..etc. I'm currently collecting a bunch of yummy raw food recipes for my transition :3.

So let's recap :

Day 1: Went fairly easy, unexpectedly. I suppose fasting Ramadan and other days has helped increase my stamina and discipline when it comes to food, esp reduced hunger pangs. Weight: 70.5 kg.

Day 2: This is when the hunger pangs started kicking in much harder lol. Then I had intense food cravings and fantasizing about all kinds of bad foods like pizza, hamburgers and such. But to be honest, I craved eating an apple more lol. I missed solid food. I also experienced some weakness and sleepiness. But this is to be expected. Weight: 69 kg.

Day 3: Hunger pangs, cravings and weakness continued. I've read its normal to go like this, or literally feel like crap the first few days, so I held on. I didn't feel horrible, but just didn't feel great. Weight: 68.6 kg.

Day 4: Pretty much the same as the day before. Weight: 68.2 kg.

Day 5: I started feeling my energy coming back, even more than before! It was great. My cravings and hunger pangs have also disappeared. But I think the energy had something to do with having my first pure fruit juice the night before, which gave me insomnia cuz I didn't know what to do with that energy! I guess vegetable juices for a few days made my blood sugar a bit low. Or , I dunno. Actually, I realized something by then, that I hadn't been drinking ENOUGH. I was only drinking maybe three 5oz glasses a day. And I read that you need to drink between 16-32oz a day! So I upped my juice intake. However, I found out I didn't lose any weight due to two glasses of pure fruit juice (which was SUPER SWEET O.O) the night before. Weight: 68.1 kg.

Day 6 (today): I feel pretty good like yesterday :). Not weak or anything if I just have a glass of sugary fruit juice in the morning. It was very sweet too, a bit too much for my taste too lol. It was a combination of grapes, apples and orange. I usually drink green juices such as carrots, cucumber, celery, kiwi, broccoli, zucchini, ginger root, beets, lemon, with apples for mild sweetness. Of course I variate these ingredients. Weight: 67.7kg (I subtracted 200 grams for clothes, although I should subtract half a kg).

I'll keep you updated as I go! :)

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Hijab Video Tutorial! "Violet"

Hijab Style Tutorial: "Violet"

A unique, cute voluminous headscarf style with a bit of bling. :3

Note: Obviously, the earrings you should use on your scarves should be the hook type. Don't use on delicate fabrics.

**For tutorials on how to make your own volume scrunchy/Flowerpin/Underwrap:

Special thanks to Resnemee and Dina Tokio for those wonderful tutorials! :).
Sorry for the delay! Had some rendering problems during editing. Unfortunately those stars didn't render correctly and it took me days trying to fix it. But..well I gave up lol. Silly, I know.
This was initially for my 3 Eid hijab tutorial special, but the last two didn't make it on time, so here it is as a separate video and style.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Eid Special: Hijab Style Tutorial #1: "Haifa" [HD]

Yay!! Finally! Hehe. Here ya go :). This is one of the three tutorials I made for Eid. The next two will unfortunately be uploaded on Friday, because my family and I are going to the beach for couple of days, so there isn't enough time to upload.Enjoy! :). No Men Please ^_^.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why You Shouldn't Wear 'Body Wear' (Carina)

Why You Shouldn't Wear 'Body Wear' (Carina):

Its not made of 100% cotton or absorbent fabric at all, which can make you sweat and feel agitated all day. There are cotton alternatives such as the Egyptian brand "Hobby", but Islamically - and fashion wise lol - should not be worn under clothing that exposes a lot of arm and chest. In fact, I don't recall any fashion guidelines whatsoever, that even 'allows' Lycra to be mixed with anything except tennis shoes and a gym lol.

Anyway this first point is important because if you have acne problems like I do, LYCRA IS A PAIN. And a BIG no no. There is no perspiration possible with this tight synthetic fabric.
Here is an example. This is a modeling photo of Egyptian model Yasmin Mohsen and another model(I can't remember her name).

On the right, Yasmin Mohsen is wearing a typical "Carina" body wear undershirt, beneath a short sleeved top/dress. The other model on the left is wearing a long sleeved shirt.

Now, you don't have to be limited to just buying and wearing long sleeved dresses or shirts, because I know that can be such a pain especially when the dress fits well but the shoulders and sleeves are all YUCK. Which is why blouses (cotton, or even satin :) look beautiful AND don't make you look like you spray painted yourself just so your skin color doesn't show, 'allowing' you to wear shorter clothing :P.

Here's my question to you: Which looks more like CLOTHING? :P

Sure, the model's shirt on the left probably isn't as loose as it should be, but I can't really define her arms curves as easily and obviously as the model on the right! Infact, sometimes I wonder if 'Carina' has become the 'Muslim' or Egyptian "Latex" :-O.

In actual terms its more like Spandex. In fact, it is made from Lycra! 

"What's that you're wearing under that beautiful shirt/dress? that Spandex? Are you heading to an Aerobics class later or what?"

In fact, it is actually used in many lingerie products! Now, just because lace is used in lingerie, surely its not bad to wear a dress with lace outside. But- Lycra is actually used to make lingerie for those with body suit/latex-like/tight clothing fetishes!

You wouldn't wear Latex or tight leather outside with a scarf on your head, even if you wore the loosest long dress in the world, just exposing the arms or part of the arms, now would you??

Not only would you look ridiculous and your pores would suffer, but honestly, it's a turn on! Come on, what guy hasn't even had a glimpse of pornography, or browsed lingerie catologues, or even accidently turned on TV to find latex chicks in music videos! It then becomes an association with sex. And well, they have the damn right to, too. Because its damn sexy lol.



I'm sorry, but it's the truth.

I ask Allah's forgiveness for all the times I supported and wore carina/lycra/spandex/body wear. 

I'm sorry but there is JUST TOO MUCH TO COVER on this topic. I will have to resume this article later. In fact, I just might have to make a video all about it.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cover Your Chest Without Cramping Style?? :-O Oh yeah!

Here's The Trick:
(This works at the end of..almost any style. Esp with two layers)

1-This is more secure when done with a two layered scarf wrap. This way you wouldn't have to worry about pulling fabric away from giving you coverage in the back. Instead, I used a second layer (the rest of it after you're done styling) around the chest.

2-Do any type of style that integrates the two scarves, making sure your last layer (the one you'll use to cover the chest) has enough length left for the 'swing over' :).

3-When done styling, take that remaining layer and swing it around above your ear on the other side of your headscarf and pin (pin downwards).

4-Pull your first layer ABOVE the layer covering your chest (optional).

5-Then wear your favorite NECKLACE and pull it out to hang on the outside on top of the last layer!

No more boobies, just cute necklace ;).
(Please use an Opaque fabric, unlike what I used!)

-I find that not only does it look SUPER CUTE, but it takes attention away from the hanging fabric that's weighing me down, and long necklaces focus your attention to your middle so you appear leaner. If you disagree, at least you look stylish and modest!
-If you need some SERIOUS elongating, then adding a pretty flower pin on the side of your headscarf (where you'd put it in your hair) can distract attention to your face, making you appear balanced and not weighed down.
-The weight of the necklace helps keep the scarf in place on my chest! :) 


WOW it's been soooooooo long since I've last posted anything on this blog...or any of my blogs! Or video channels for that matter..

I've been so worked up these past few months with college, I finally have some room to breathe this week because of Eid. Funny thing...ever notice that we have 7 days of Eid a year? 7 skies, 7 heavens, 7 rotations around the Ka'ba during hajj...Interesting, isn't it?

Anyway...I've been stepping up my game in Hijab. I've begun covering up my chest now :). Yeah I know you might be going "You mean you never did?!". Well, no I never really did unless it were a shrug or jacket...occasionally an independent scarf. I never had the intention of covering up my 'girls' until recently.

So what sparked it for me?

First of all...I've been progressing in my knowledge of Islam and my appreciation for Allah, so I've been feeling quite guilty for not covering up the best that I should. Second, I wasn't enjoying the attention my chest was bringing me - not that I'm knockout - lol - but I'm not exactly flat chested either. Before...I would have NEVER ever covered up more on my own, unless someone like my father would make me (not force, just nag about it).

Why? Simply, I felt it hid what so called beauty I had (curves), that would catch the attention of other boys (Boys appreciating my looks => I'm easy on the eye => my confidence grows => Feel good about myself). Because covering up my chest meant: look FAT and extra short (I'm 4'10) with a draping scarf weighing my proportions down.

Someone once asked me to do a tutorial on how to cover the chest, or styles that included chest coverage. While I admit my latest chest covering attempts have been with not 100% opaque fabric (unintentionally), I've come across what I think to be a BEAUTIFUL alteration to the latest "Half Spanish" wraps I've been wearing.

When I say Half Spanish, I mean it ties in the back initially like a Spanish wrap, but then it is brought to frame the face like an ordinary wrap. This way, you get the decor of layering Spanish-wise AND keep that poofy baby fat at bay!) :P.

What I did here was leave enough fabric of my last layer (or widest layer you got) and swung it to the other side of my headscarf and pin it. When I'm desperate for fabric, I just pin it to my shoulder instead.

Without promising anything...I AM thinking about making a couple of tutorial vids before Eid Al Adha, insha Allah.
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Still working on it!

Salam Aleykom All :).

It's a work in progress. I want this blog to be AWESOME. I hope that's not just my mania talking lol.

Stay tuned and subscribe if you want to get all the glamorous hijabi fashion trend reports, tips and how-to's! :)
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Who I Am

My photo
I'm an Egyptian American 23 year old Muslim girl that loves to laugh and have fun and be creative :).



::HijabulousTV:: Styles, Trends & Tips by Madiha M.K Copyright © 2009 Cosmetic Girl Designed by Ipietoon | In Collaboration with FIFA
Girl Illustration Copyrighted to Dapino Colada